Dependency list

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The function spl_show_dependency_tb shows all the functions, operators, and relations used inside a processed function. For example:

SELECT * FROM spl_show_dependency_tb('testfunc(int,float)');
type   │  oid  │ schema │  name   │           params           │
|----------|-------|--------|---------|----------------------------|FUNCTION36008public │ myfunc1 │ (integer,double precision) │
│ FUNCTION35999public │ myfunc2 │ (integer,double precision) │
│ OPERATOR │ 36007public**(integer,integer)          │
│ RELATION │ 36005public │ myview  │                            │
│ RELATION │ 36002public │ mytable │                            │
(4 rows)

Optional arguments for spl_show_dependency_tb include:

  • relid
  • anyelementtype
  • enumtype
  • anyrangetype
  • anycompatibletype
  • anycompatiblerangetype

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